[ 9 dec 2008 ] Today our web site was not accessible during few hours, due to the technical problems of our hosting provider. We would like to remind you that in case our web site http://ra.ae is not accessible because of the reasons not controlled by us, you can still add your orders on the web site http://uaezapchasti.com, which is the mirror of http://ra.ae. Our main web site is still http://ra.ae, and some information on the web site http://uaezapchasti.com may be updated with delay. You may add orders only on one of the web sites, and as soon as the order is accepted it will appear on the both web sites.
We have specially created the mirror site in order to increase the reliability of our business relationship with You. If any of the web sites is not accessible, due to reasons not controlled by us, you still can continue working on the other web site!